

While at my neighborhood gun store, I noticed a man attempting to purchase a large rifle with a SCOPE. Gunslinger informed me that this is a gun meant to shoot at objects far, far away. (And certainly not at Lambies, from any distance.)

A gun purchase of any type at this location would normally not perk my ears up... but this man conducted his entire transaction in another language than English. Hmmm...

The clerk asked him for his driver's license, in another language. Alright, I speak that language, so I eavesdropped...

The clerk told him that as a non-citizen, when he returned to pick up his gun in 10 days, he would need to provide proof of residency, like some utility bills or a rental agreement. The gun purchaser seemed confused. (Mind you, at this point, the clerk's fluency in the other-than-English language was atrocious and I was tempted to jump in to translate).... The purchaser indicated he did not, and could not produce, the documents required. The clerk told him the purchaser would need them to take possession of the rifle.

My eavesdropping ended when Gunslinger and I left the building... but my mind was racing.

WAIT WAIT WAIT said WoodysMom. How can someone who is not a citizen and who doesn't speak English buy a rifle with a scope?! This alone makes me concerned.

What is he going to do with said rifle and scope? Is he going HUNTING?! And for what? Is he provisioning for a ... revolution of some sort??!!

I posed to Gunslinger, just suppose we move to another non-English speaking country and decide to purchase a rifle. Would said foreign entity allow a non-citizen, non-local-language speaking person purchase a firearm? Would they?

Why do we?


Moo Cows

Here is a group of Moo Cows we saw along a gravel road in SoDak. I tried to get closer to have a chat with them and they were not interested. Apparently they had already "herd" about me from the Lambies.

Moo Cows are a lot larger in life than one imagines from the sketch on the milk carton in the fridge. Massive animals with no personality or inclination to visit with the City Girl.


Pixel Tackles A Rabbit

As promised earlier, here is the wine opening effort by PixelPi.

This is my sister and the night she fought The Rabbit. I mentioned her earlier as not being a sommelier, and I stand by that comment.

Note her technique when the cork gets stuck. Note the high-end, highly technical accoutrement she produces to encourage the cork to perform.

Note the laughter coming from Woody's Mom. Snort.

Love Pix to pieces. Just like the cork.



Lambies: noun. All fuzzy sheep-like animals, regardless of age, in need of Ear Lovies.

Cousin Steve sure got his fill of "City Girl" (CG) questions during my Vay-Kay. Hats off to Steve for the patience he has... and thanks to Steve for not laughing at ALL my questions. CG (and other inquiring minds) want to know about Lambies.

Steve keeps his Lambies in a pen in the yard. I wanted to get close enough for Ear Lovies, but Sheep-o-Rama would have nothing to do with my evil plan. Every time I even got close to the fence, the entire flock would pick up, poop, and move on to the nether regions of the pen. I implored Cousin Steve to get a Sheep Scooper and get me one closer, and he laughed. I mean, he BELLY laughed at me.

Q: Where do they go when it gets cold? Do you cover them in blankies, or what?
A: They are already covered in a blankie called wool. We bring them into the barn in the winter. (Snicker)

Q: What's the purpose of having Lambies?
A: "Lambies." (Snicker) We breed them, get them big enough for the "Stockyard"
(CG: [internal voice] slaughterhouse?!) and sell them. We sell some of the wool, too.

Q: How big is big enough?
A: 250 - 400 pounds (CG thinks this is the answer, there was much imbibing going on).

Q: How long are they pregnant?
A. 5 months or so.

Q: Do you ever help them have Lambie babies, or no?
A: If an ewe labors longer than 4 hours or so, we help her. One time only our son was here and we talked him through the birth over the speaker on his cell phone. (NOTE: This is when I found out that many relatives have had their arms up inside their Lambies).

Q: Do Lambies have twins or more?
A: We have had a set of quads. We have had triplets and twins, too.

Q: How do you know what to do?
A: You have to feel for the front feet and the head. All of that has to come out at the same time. (Sounds complex to CG.)

Q: Do you name your Lambies?
A: Never name anything you might have to eat one day.

Q: Do you ever .... eat.... your Lambies?
A: Tried it. Not a good idea.

Q: Did you say, "Gee, this tastes like #42?"
A: Snicker.


What I Did On My Summer Vay-Kay

I am fresh back from God's Country in SE South Dakota. Amber waves of grain my ass...Rolling hills of corn, by Jove. I saw so many fields of corn I was drooling for a hot cob rolled in butter, sprinkled with Lawry's.

My trip to Corn Country was intense on so many layers there will have to be several postings. The people, the land, the critters, the family, the lifestyle... I have to digest it all and parse it into bites normal humans can appreciate. More to follow.

Future topics:

1. Family
2. Critters
3. Lifestyle
4. Ear Lovies
5. Some Stories to Share