

Lambies: noun. All fuzzy sheep-like animals, regardless of age, in need of Ear Lovies.

Cousin Steve sure got his fill of "City Girl" (CG) questions during my Vay-Kay. Hats off to Steve for the patience he has... and thanks to Steve for not laughing at ALL my questions. CG (and other inquiring minds) want to know about Lambies.

Steve keeps his Lambies in a pen in the yard. I wanted to get close enough for Ear Lovies, but Sheep-o-Rama would have nothing to do with my evil plan. Every time I even got close to the fence, the entire flock would pick up, poop, and move on to the nether regions of the pen. I implored Cousin Steve to get a Sheep Scooper and get me one closer, and he laughed. I mean, he BELLY laughed at me.

Q: Where do they go when it gets cold? Do you cover them in blankies, or what?
A: They are already covered in a blankie called wool. We bring them into the barn in the winter. (Snicker)

Q: What's the purpose of having Lambies?
A: "Lambies." (Snicker) We breed them, get them big enough for the "Stockyard"
(CG: [internal voice] slaughterhouse?!) and sell them. We sell some of the wool, too.

Q: How big is big enough?
A: 250 - 400 pounds (CG thinks this is the answer, there was much imbibing going on).

Q: How long are they pregnant?
A. 5 months or so.

Q: Do you ever help them have Lambie babies, or no?
A: If an ewe labors longer than 4 hours or so, we help her. One time only our son was here and we talked him through the birth over the speaker on his cell phone. (NOTE: This is when I found out that many relatives have had their arms up inside their Lambies).

Q: Do Lambies have twins or more?
A: We have had a set of quads. We have had triplets and twins, too.

Q: How do you know what to do?
A: You have to feel for the front feet and the head. All of that has to come out at the same time. (Sounds complex to CG.)

Q: Do you name your Lambies?
A: Never name anything you might have to eat one day.

Q: Do you ever .... eat.... your Lambies?
A: Tried it. Not a good idea.

Q: Did you say, "Gee, this tastes like #42?"
A: Snicker.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I want Lambies! I want to go talk to Cousin Steve and have him laugh at me. I'm so jealous of your summer vacation on the farm. See how green with envy my eyes are? No? Well, they are.

Great post! More please (said in a pseudo Oliver Twist whine).