
Mrs. Gunslinger Blogs Again

This is not my wedding cake. We did not have a wedding cake, and apparently Bridezilla™ overlooked providing a vegan desert option. I am pretty sure the bruleed bananas in melted chocolate would have worked for the vegans, but maybe not.

The wedding was lovely. The venue was fine and the chef did a nice job on the food. Everyone commented how yummy the food was.

It was so great to spend a few (chaotic) days with my family... seeing PixelPi and Mr. Pi and my niece The Officiant... meeting new relatives and seeing my kids all together again was amazingly fun.

Thanks to all of you who played Very Important Roles in the wedding. Your behind the scenes and on stage efforts made the whole event possible.

The honeymoon was awesome... Washington state's mountains are probably some of the prettiest geography I have seen in a long time. I will post more about the hotels we stayed in when I have a bit more time.

I am moved in but not unpacked... there is a camera in one of those many boxes and one day, I will find it. In fact, there are so many boxes of Gunslinger's stuff, too, that we may have to break down and get a Pod. Or two. (Then we can proudly say that in fact, we ARE Pod People. Eliminate any doubt anyone had in the first place.)


Angels - absolutely craptastic

Well, my boys did not come through like I hoped this year. It's really okay, though, as the DJ for my wedding coordinates the music for home games... if we had progressed, we might have just ended up sitting around the reception playing Scrabble. Or Bingo.

I have tickets for the "if necessary" game tomorrow. They will look great in a frame as a memory that coulda shoulda been.

I cannot believe ALL of them forgot how to hit a ball. I was mentally coaching them and everything. They didn't listen.

No pizza party for them. No way. They have a few months to think about what they did.


Come On Barbie, Let's Go Party

13 days and counting to The Big Day. I have rearranged the guests fifteen ways to Sunday. I can only hope that the teens do not trample the octogenarians on their way to the dance floor for the latest from the Black Eyed Peas. I can only hope that the Weird People do not annoy the Normal People. Why did I invite the WP anyway?

Music. Ah yes, the music. Gunslinger prefers classics and perhaps some classic funk and I am a Barbie Girl. This is a selection cacophony... All I can say is that our entire guest list will find at least one song they can dance to. Even from a wheelchair.